A brown name is written in an old style font.

Louise Cash Oddenino's paternal grandmother was Susan Ann Richards, born June 19, 1868 in Oak Park, Virginia. Susan Ann Richards' parents were John Richards and Jane Robinson. John Richards appears to have been a Confederate Civil War veteran who joined the Confederacy at a much older age than most.

Here are the Civil War records we have located of John Richards:

John Richard's Civil War records show that he was owed 40 cents per day for his horse since April 30, 1863 as well as regular Muster Roll appearances:

John Richard's Civil War records show that he was a prisoner of war for a period of time during the war:

John Richard's Civil War records show that he was also in the same hospital Receiving and Wayside Hospital for General Hospital No. 9 Richmond, Virginia, as some other ancestors during the war:

A page of an old time document with the date and location.

There is some evidence that the 39th Battalion Virginia Cavalry was at Gettysburg (see this reference to the 39th VA Cavalry) but more research is needed to determine the activities of this Battalion during the Civil War.

John Richards and his wife Sara Jane Robinson had a daughter named Susan Ann Richards who was the grandmother of Louise Cash Oddenino.

Here is Susan's obituary from the Madison County Eagle and her death certificate:

A newspaper article about the birth of a child.
A page of an old family record.

Here is the pedigree chart of Susan Ann Richards:

A family tree with the names of each member.

Here are some Family Group Sheets on the Richards family:

Thomas Richards was married to Nancy Homes on April 8, 1806 by Baptist Minister James Garnett in Culpeper County, Virginia according to the records contained in the text, Culpeper County Marriages, 1780-1853 by John Vogt and T. William Kethley, Jr.

Here is an old record containing information on the Richards family in Virginia:

A letter from the national archives to a group of people.